What is a Drum Camp?

You are indeed a Cool-Headed Champ to land on this page. Drum Camp is our way to let you have a kickstart in your drum learning journey. This camp will inspire you to dive deeper as you pick up basic drum skills within a short period of time. Choose between 1 to 2 sessions to see if it takes you to live above the rim OR simply sign up for a 3-days camp and save a whopping $40. Wait no longer and learn from our professionals today! Click here to sign up!

What you can expect…

  • Developing limb independence
  • Learn basic pop/rock groove
  • Explore and understanding rudiments
  • Application of rudiments in playing

When are the sessions and rates?

Camps are scheduled to roll on 10, 17 and 24 June 2023. There are 2 classes;

  • 2-3pm (for ages 7 – 11 years old)
  • 3-4pm (for ages 12-16 years old)

Rates are;

  • $80 for 1 session
  • $160 for 2 sessions
  • $200 for 3 sessions (a saving of $40)

Boys and girls are welcome to enrol. Terms and Conditions apply. Click here to enrol.

  1. All fees must be paid before the commencement of the programme.
  2. If fees are not paid by the commencement date, Music Solutions (MS) reserves the right to refuse admission to class.
  3. All fees paid are strictly non-refundable and non-transferable.
  4. Payment of fees can be done by PayNow, and Internet bank transfers found in the registration form.
    For all payments, please include your child’s name and inform us via WhatsApp: 80204855/ Email: contact@musicsolutions.com.sg A receipt will be issued upon verification of payment.
    MS does not accept cheques, NETS or credit card payments.
    All payments received will be issued with an official receipt.
  5. There will be no make-up lessons for any lessons missed.
  6. MS reserves the right to reschedule or cancel the programme. If so, full refunds will be made.
  7. Any damages to instruments or studio property or additional expenses will be borne by the parents/guardians.
  8. Participant/ Parent/ Guardian waive all rights to the claims, actions, cause of action, demand or suit of loss, injury, damage or suffering sustained as a result of anything other than gross negligence on the part of the school.
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